Funky post-absurdist internet comedy strangeness
Every stitch of these stories are hand crafted and close to my heart. Feel free to get high and watch these videos. I recommend starting with The Couch Continuum then moving on to The Mayor Trilogy. And for all you theater nerds out there, Hamlet is just for you. Created by: Ahren Buhmann, Gabriel Congdon, and me.
48 hr films
Of No Importance
(This journal was donated to the Royal Martuhk Library decades ago by a Shattervarkian goat herder who purportedly found it tied, along with an empty water skin, to one of his goats. This section chronicles the author’s time near the White Coast during the Warm Season of 11290.)
It’s still raining. Through the ship’s thin hull, I can feel it.
My cabin has a diamond-shaped window with no sill and I can imagine a view through the greasy glass if I squint. There's a cot and a circle table the size of a coffee cup. Someone tacked dried flowers above the door.
The ship is finally moving, and I’m relieved to see Mooresbedlam’s decrepit skyline peel away in our wake.

The animation and images on this website have been graciously provided by my best bud and supreme dude, Ahren Buhmann (insta:
For all of your animation, video, graphic, theatrical lighting, and projection design needs, click the link below and enjoy the visual splendor...